What others say:

I recommend Vera without hesitation. Her calming touch is accompanied by an incredible wisdom of the human body and its relationship with the human emotions. She works with 100% positive intention, is completely present, and is the consummate professional.

Dr. George Mussalli

Village OB/GYN

As a labor support doula, I first heard about Vera Krijn from a client of mine who had worked with her while trying to conceive as well as during her pregnancy and in preparation for her child’s birth.  My client’s stories about Vera were rich with feeling and a sincere belief that her skilled touch and wisdom had helped her toward a purely positive experience at every turn.  While I had never had any personal experience with reflexology, I was compelled by my client’s tales to call Vera myself – both for the stress reduction benefits as well as the fertility benefits (I had suffered two miscarriages in twelve months).

I began seeing Vera on a weekly basis.  I felt changed somehow and more and more after each visit – calmer, more balanced, more able to face my pregnancy pursuits and I also saw benefits for my own work. It allowed me to bring new ways of healing touch to my own clients.  I also conceived again within two months after my first visit and am currently eight weeks into what appears to be a healthy pregnancy.

Jennifer K.



Spas Are Fertile Ground for Options

The Olive Leaf Wholeness Center now offers a natural fertility program which uses holistic health approaches to help women become pregnant. The fertility program is led by Vera Krijn, a reflexologist, who said she has helped 32 women to date in becoming pregnant.

“Reflexology helps with stress reduction, and stress affects our reproductive system,” Krijn said. “The program is a holistic approach, that includes nutrition and promotes Fertility Awareness”.

SPA Business

Vera says “I have been practicing and teaching reflexology for over fifteen years and  I got interested in the work of Dr. Gowri Mohta” - an obstetrician in  London, and pioneer of the water birth- who first introduced reflexology treatments during and after pregnancy. Dr. Mohta found that reflexology dramatically reduced several pregnancy issues, including high blood pressure, fluid retention, heartburn, backache, constipation and fatigue. After giving birth, the balancing and restoring qualities of reflexology can help to alleviate cramping, mild edema, stimulate milk production, and help the uterus return to its normal proportions”

Reflexology has been effective when dealing with the after effects of epidurals  and to alleviate post-natal depression".

Herbs for Healing

"Vera Krijn, president of the New York State Reflexology Association, thinks that reflexology has matured  in the United States over the past decade. The scope of work has expanded because many medical facilities, spa's and sport centers now offer reflexology treatments.

We have really seen an increase in demand for reflexology in the medical setting, says Krijn.

NHK Japanese Television

A 30 minute documentary about Vera and her work, including interviews with Fertility clients.

Foreign publications:

Fit Met Voeding


What is RAF™

RAF™ integrates remedial reflexology, nutrition,  body/mind strategies and continuous emotional support.

RAF™ incorporates the latest scientific research, information about natural remedies that are commonly overlooked or used by other cultures, nutritional and emotional support, have helped hundreds of women to change the diagnosis of infertility into a healthy pregnancy and baby.

RAF™ helps pregnant moms with many pregnancy associated symptoms, and prepared women to achieve a natural birth and healthy baby.

RAF™ has helped many women to shorten labor and control pain, promote the bonding  process with the baby, encourage lactation, and speed the healing process.

RAF™ has been highly effective for postpartum depression.

About Me



Vera Krijn is a client-centered practitioner with over 16 years practical experience in fertility, pre-natal and postpartum therapy.  With insight and wisdom she has helped couples overcome various challenges to conceive naturally, and prepare for a rewarding birth experience and healthy baby.

She developed the RAF™ program, integrating nutrition,  body/mind techniques, ancient wisdoms and emotional support. RAF™ is a continued education program taught at schools for for health care professionals in the USA  and abroad. She was honored and awarded the Eunice Ingham Pioneers Award from the Reflexology Association of America.

Vera studied at the VU University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, after which she followed her interest in acupressure and nutrition. She found her calling when she studied reflexology, studying eastern and western disciplines. She is ARCB certified and has served the reflexology community from 1999-2003 as president of the New York State Reflexology Association, where she still functions in an advisory capacity.

She was featured in a 30 minute documentary for NHK Japanese TV, and her nutritional strategies have been written up in the Dutch magazine of Orthomolecular Nutrition and Health “Fit met Voeding”

She is a certified Healthy Foot Practitioner™ through the Restorative Exercise Institute, a science-based education facility that teaches biomechanics of the foot. She relieves foot pain and optimizes long-term health through awareness, how posture and alignment affect the organs and systems functions

To schedule consultations and appointments in New York City, Brooklyn and North Bergen, NJ.

Email: verakrijn@gmail.com

Phone: 212.420.1288

Ask about:




I just wanted to let you know that I had a little boy. I only pushed fro 8 minutes and the doctor believes it was a result  of reflexology.

So thank you for your generosity of spirit and care

Joanna P.

She is here! Labor was 2 hrs, natural and a piece of cake. Giant thank you and we talk soon.

Alexia L

After living through 3 miscarriages with 2 doctors, I was having trouble dealing with my basic everyday life. I was angry at the world and constantly felt on edge.

And then I found Vera…

For the first three weeks I had two sessions per week, after which we continued with one session per week.  During the sessions I was able to relax completely.  It was the only hour every week that I could let my problems float away while I drifted off to a state of total relaxation

I’m now 18 weeks along in my pregnancy and continue to work with Vera.  I foresee continuing reflexology for years to come.

Lisa E.

Subject: Re: Great news- baby is vertex!  In perfect face-down position!

I met with the doctor and we canceled the c-section. We are going to let the baby tell us when it is ready to arrive and re-evaluate on Tuesday. (We may not want to wait too long because the baby is estimated to weigh 8"4 and my swelling is quite pronounced.).
I am wondering whether you are available tomorrow. If not tomorrow, perhaps Sunday?

Thank you,


Click and see Page 28

Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads

Henry David Thoreau

About Me

I have been a client of yours for over 2 years, and have benefitted greatly from the weekly reflexology sessions. Her  knowledge, warmth, and enthusiasm are greatly appreciated.  As I am now 6 months pregnant at age 40, after a miscarriage last year, the sessions have been a source of great support and relief.  I look forward to our continued work together through this pregnancy and beyond.

Thanks, ,
Donna C.