Pre-conceptional Health is the foundation of a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby


Do eat organic whole foods (To avoid hormones, antibiotics and pesticides. Supplements are usually necessary because even the best diet in the world will not contain all the nutrients you need to optimize your chance of conceiving.

Most Pre-Natal vitamins contain 400 micrograms of Folic acid. Studies have shown that women who get this supplement prior to conception and during early pregnancy reduce the risk that their baby will be born with a serious birth defect involving incomplete development of the brain and spinal cord by up to 70%. Food sources: Kale, Spinach, Broccoli, Cabbage, Roman & Bib lettuce, Okra, Peas, Asparagus, avocado, Beans, Cereals, Chicken Liver,  Lentils, Orange Juice, Pineapple Juice and Tomato Juice

Below a list of some additional supplements and their food sources you might consider:

It is important to discuss with your doctor before taking any additional supplement

Probiotics are one of the safest types of nutritional supplements you can take.“Probiotics can improve intestinal function and maintain the integrity of the lining of the intestines,” There’s also evidence that probiotics assist in maintaining a strong immune system. “In societies with very good hygiene, we’ve seen a sharp increase in autoimmune and allergic diseases,says Stefano Guandalini, MD, professor of pediatrics and gastroenterology at the University of Chicago Medical Center.

Flax seed is a super food that contains more essential fatty acids than any other food source (high in Omega-3 and Omega-6). Among many other qualities, this combination forms the membranes of every cell in our body; these are the only fats that become “prostaglandins”, which play a key role in regulating the functions of the cardiovascular, immune, digestive and reproductive systems. Flax seed also  contains all of the amino acids essential for human health. Incorporate 2 Table spoons of“ milled flax seed or good quality organic Flax seed oil in your daily diet.

Do your Multi Vitamin contains enough

of the following supplements:

Magnesium( About half of all pregnant women get less than the daily  requirement of 400 - 450 mg) Food sources: whole grains, almonds, pecans, cashews, spinach, prunes, pineapple, fish.

Magnesium is a mineral that your body needs to form bone, protein and fatty acids. It relaxes your muscles and helps your blood to clot appropriately.

Scientists found that women taking magnesium supplements had less chance of having low birth weight and premature babies, and their babies had better Apgar score. Magnesium is known as 'nature's tranquilizer', and it can be invaluable if you are suffering from tension and/or stress.

B12 (2.6mcg for pregnant women)

Pregnant women have a slightly increased need for vitamin B12, compared to other individuals. Prenatal vitamins usually contain vitamin B12, almost always in doses significantly higher than the RDA. These higher doses are safe for women, as this vitamin has a low risk of toxicity.

B-complex (100-200 mg’s per day)deficiency creates excess of estrogen in system. Food sources: mostly in whole grains, banana, Fish, Liver, eggs, nuts, brewers yeast

Bioflavonoid (250mg per day) Food sources: Broccoli, Cabbage, green pepper, and parsley -is necessary while uterus prepares for implantation, and helps to strengthen the uterus after implantation. bioflavonoids also help with the absorption of iron.

Calcium (1000mg per day) Important for bone health mother and baby during pregnancy. Food sources: 1 cup Yoghurt 42 DV,  3oz Sardines 32DV, Whole Milk 29DV, also Broccoli, kale, Collards, Tofu

Vitamin D- The recommended amount vitamin through nutrition and sunlight  (2000 IU ) food sources: 1 tbsp Cod Liver Oil 240DV,  31/2 oz cooked salmon 90 DV, 1 cup fortified  non-fat milk 25DV, also fortified  juice, eggs & butter.Vitamin D is needed for the absorption of calcium and magnesium and regulation of cycle. Also supports the immune system. SUN!!!

Selenium - Food sources: Brazil Nuts and Seafood, Whole Grains and Yeast - Selenium is an important mineral antioxidant in human nutrition and an essential trace mineral for fetal growth.

Iron (usually 18 mg per day - pregnant women 27 mg per day) supplements should only be taken if you have a deficiency. Food source: Oysters (also B12) liver, fish, poultry, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, citrus

Not all iron supplements are the same

Some Iron supplements that contain ferrous iron are:

Fergon provides 27 mg of elemental iron per tablet--a little more than the average menstruating woman needs, and exactly the U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowance for pregnant women.

Femiron provides 20 mg of elemental iron per tablet, just a little over the daily recommended amount for menstruating women.

Organic iron supplements:

Medicinal Neutraceutics iron supplement is vegan and hypoallergenic in the form of vegetarian capsules. The source of iron is from certified organic curry leaves and each capsule provides 18 mg, or 100 percent of the daily value, of elemental iron, a little below the requirement for pregnant women.

Nutralife’s Heme Iron supplements has vitamin C to increase absorption. Each tablet providing 20 mg of elemental iron from ferrous gluconate, one of the more absorbable forms.

They also contain B-complex and other vitamins without artificial flavors, coloring, preservatives, gluten or yeasts. Each tablet contains 50 mg of chelated iron, or the equivalent of 5 mg of elemental iron.Heme iron is easier to absorb than non-heme iron.

Preparing for the big event

Many questions, many answers. No matter what, remain open and flexible if events stray from your chosen path. Ultimately, you want to  be healthy and have a healthy baby.

Choosing A Health Care Provider

Especially when planning a natural vaginal birth, there is  much to be considered, and it is very natural to feel overwhelmed. No matter whether you use a doctor or midwife, choose a practitioner who has experience in caring for women who want an unmedicated birth. If your medical provider is part of a larger practice, make sure that all the members share like philosophies, or at least that if your chosen provider isn't available, will honor your wishes as would your usual provider.

The Setting

It  is important to know that a hospital setting is not your only option, many women deliver at a birthing center, while worldwide the most used setting is a home-birth.


According to studies, the use of a professional doula not only reduced the requests for epidural anesthesia, but it also cut the cesarean rates in half and shortens the length of labor. Whether or not to hire a doula, these are personal choices and  there is no right or wrong answer. Only you can decide what's right for you. The one thing that is critical, is to select someone whose philosophy of childbirth matches your own.

Childbirth Education

A childbirth class will not only give you great information on the stages of labor, breathing and pain relief techniques,  it also gives you information on epidurals and cesarean sections if should you need them.

Additional support

Learn about support methods that support a healthy pregnancy and prepare you for a joyful birth experience. Explore the possibilities of RAF™, acupuncture, yoga.

Make A Birth Plan

A birth plan helps to effectively communicate your preferences for the birth of your baby with your practitioner, the staff who cares for you during labor, and your birth team.


Baby’s Health Starts in the Womb

healthy beginnings with RAF

Seeds of health are planted even before your baby draws its first breath, and the nine short months of life in the womb shape its health for as long as it lives."

Research indicates that women who suffer stress during pregnancy transmit their anxiety to their unborn child from as early as 17 weeks.

The conditions in the uterus, ranging from mother's hormones to the nutrients supplied through the placenta, may significantly determine how a baby's liver, heart, kidneys, brain and mind will function during the adulthood.

"Life in the Womb" by Dr. Peter Nathanielsz of Cornell University

Guide to Pre Natal Testing

Pregnancy can be a truly wonderful experience.Educate and nurture yourself . 

Prenatal testing is an integral part to maintain the health and well being  of both the growing fetus and the mother. Blood tests can provide information about the mother's health and to some extent the baby's health. Routine blood and urine testing can determine the presence of anemia and if blood sugar metabolism is normal. Below is an explanation of the most common tests that may be performed during your pregnancy:

MSAFP (maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein): is usually 
performed between 16 and 18 weeks from the last menstrual period, can indicate possible neural tube defects and other abnormalities.

Ultrasound: An ultrasound provides a non-invasive way to see inside the uterus using high-frequency sound waves to create visual images. Ultrasound can often detect major problems such as spina bifida and anencephaly, and it provides a way to measure the size of the fetus.

Amniocentesis: is usually performed between 15 and 17 weeks of pregnancy. The physician inserts a needle into the uterus through the abdomen and withdraws a tablespoon of amniotic fluid for analysis. This test detects a wide range of chromosomal disorders including Down's Syndrome, Tay-Sachs disease, sickle cell anemia, hemophilia and muscular dystrophy. It can also provide information about the baby's sex.

Chorionic Villi Sampling (CVS): is usually performed in week 10 of the pregnancy. The physician inserts a thin needle through the cervix into the uterus. Hairlike projections, villi, that are part of the developing placenta are withdrawn. These villi contain fetal cells that can be analyzed for the presence of many genetic abnormalities, and some chromosomal disorders.
than ever it is important for you to eat well and stay healthy.

Natural Remedies for Common Problems 

Morning sickness

Ginger is the word, candied or ginger tea, chews, and salt crackers before you get up in the morning. Also try motion sickness wristbands


Dates act as a natural laxative


At the first sign of heartburn, try chewing a few almonds


Writing A Birth Plan

Writing a birth plan gives you a chance to think about and discuss with your partner and your caregiver how — ideally — you'd like your baby's birth to be handled. You can't control every aspect of labor and delivery, but a printed document gives you a place to make your wishes clear. Just remember that you'll need to stay flexible in case something comes up that requires your birth team to depart from your plan.

A written birth plan also helps refresh your practitioner's memory when you're in labor. And it informs new members of your medical team — such as your labor-and-delivery nurse — about your preferences when you're in active labor (and probably not in the mood for drawn-out conversation).

Things you might want to consider are:

Positions for labor and birth,

Fetal Monitoring,


Labor Augmentation,

Pain Medication,

Natural Childbirth,

Stages of Labor,


Birth by C-Section,

Guidelines after baby is born,


Banking your baby’s cord blood

Nurture yourself

and your baby

Pre Natal RAF™ helps with the                                following conditions:

  1.      morning-sickness

  2.       breech/posterior presentation

  3.       back problems

  4.       foot problems

  5.       labor preparation (anxiety)

  6.       pain relief

  7.       stress reduction

  8.       strengthen immune system

  9.       Fetal health


Post-natal care


  1.      restore energy

  2.       post- op healing

  3.       relieve lower back pain

  4.       lactation problems

  5.       postpartum depression

Great Expectations

Yoga and swimming are a wonderful choice for antenatal exercise. Both promote stretching and the focus on breathing is a valuable asset in preparation for your baby’s birth.

Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.